J3 Serivāṇija Jātaka



绘图/ 姚善见
设计/ 王宗使
复述/ 姚善见
审稿/ 陈语

The Gold Bowl and the Mad Wish

Jātaka 3: Serivāṇija Jātaka
Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Sudassi Yeu
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Sudassi Yeu
Proofread by Joanne Soo & Chan Zhi Hong

At Sāvatthī, the Buddha once told a story to a bhikkhu who had stopped working hard at his meditation.

The Buddha said, “Bhikkhu, you became a monk to practice the Dhamma. If you stop working hard, you will suffer for a long time, like the greedy merchant who lost a gold bowl.”

The bhikkhus earnestly requested the Buddha to explain the cause.

Five eons ago, in the kingdom of Seriva, the Bodhisatta was reborn as a street merchant.

Another greedy man was also a street merchant in the city. One day, they both crossed the river Telavāha together.

They walked into the city of Andhapura together, and began selling their goods along the different streets that were assigned to them.

In that city, there were a girl and her grandmother. They were once a part of a family of rich merchants, but now they were alone and very poor.

They earned their living by doing odd jobs.

In their house, there was a bowl made of gold and it had been thrown into a pile of pots and pans. The gold bowl was now dirty and covered in dust.

The girl and her grandmother did not know it was made of gold.

That day, the greedy merchant came to their street, yelling, “Water pots for sale! Gems for sale! ”

“请快来看呐!” 来到祖孙二人的家门口。
“Please come and take a look!” He came to the house of the girl and her grandmother.

The girl saw the merchant, and she asked her grandmother, “Grandmother, would you please buy me a piece of jewelry?”
The grandmother said, “We are so poor. What can we use to exchange for jewelry?”

The girl said, “Here grandmother, we have an old bowl that we never use. Let us offer it to the merchant in exchange for something nice.”

So, the old woman asked the merchant to come into the house and said to him, “Sir, take this bowl, and please give my granddaughter something nice for it.”

The merchant took the bowl, made a tiny scratch on it and saw that it was real gold.

Then he thought to himself, “They don’t know this bowl is made from real gold. I will trick them!”

He said to the grandmother, “This dirty old bowl is worth nothing. I won’t give you anything for it!” 

Then the merchant threw the bowl on the ground and left the house, thinking that he would come back later to get the bowl for free.

After a short while, the Bodhisatta, who was also a merchant, came to the same street to sell his goods.

The Bodhisatta and the first merchant had agreed beforehand that each of them could sell on the street that the other had tried. So, the Bodhisatta came to the grandmother's house, calling, “Water pots and gems for sale! I have beautiful gems. Come and have a look!”

Once again, the little girl asked her grandmother to get something nice from the merchant.

But her grandmother said, “My dear, the first merchant threw our bowl on the ground. We have nothing left to offer.”

The girl replied to her grandmother, “Oh grandmother, the first merchant was mean. This second merchant looks like a kind man and speaks gently. Perhaps he will take our bowl.”

So, the grandmother invited the Bodhisatta into the house and showed him the bowl.

“哇!这是金茶碗,值十万金呐!。我手头上没有和这茶碗等值的物品,买不起你们的金碗啊!” 菩萨对阿嫲说道。
“Wow! This bowl is real gold. It is worth a hundred thousand pieces of gold. I have nothing that can match the value of your bowl. I can’t buy your gold bowl!” The Bodhisatta said to the grandmother.

The grandmother replied,
“Please sir, the first merchant threw our bowl on the ground and said it was worthless. The bowl must have turned into gold because of your good heart. Take the bowl and give us something.”

So, the Bodhisatta gave the grandmother everything he had, only keeping his scales, his bag and eight pieces of gold for himself.

Then, he left in a hurry. He ran to the riverside, gave the boatman eight pieces of gold and got into a boat.

Meanwhile, back at the poor family’s house, the first greedy merchant had come back to ask for the bowl, saying he would give them something. The grandmother shouted at him,

“You said our bowl had no value and that you wouldn’t give us anything for it. But an honest merchant came and gave us a thousand pieces of gold for it!”

The greedy merchant became very sad and cried, “I have lost the gold bowl worth 100,000 pieces of gold! The second merchant stole it from me!”

The greedy merchant couldn’t control his anger, and threw away all his goods at their door. Then, becoming crazy, he took off all his clothes, and picked up the stick from his scales to use as a weapon.

He quickly ran all the way to the river to try and catch the Bodhisatta, but he saw that the Bodhisatta was already in a boat crossing the river. He screamed to the boatman, “Bring the boat back!”

But the Bodhisatta told the boatman to continue crossing the river.

When the greedy merchant saw the Bodhisatta going further and further away, he became so angry and sad that his heart grew hot and blood came out of his mouth.

He hated the Bodhisatta so much that his heart exploded and he died instantly.

(This was the first time Devadatta felt grudge and hatred toward the Bodhisatta and it continued throughout countless lives.)

On the contrary, the Bodhisatta, after spending the rest of his life doing good deeds and being generous, thereafter passed away according to his kamma.


At the end of the story, the Buddha, the All-Knowing One, said:

“If in this life, you give up your practice toward achieving enlightenment, you will lose a great prize and suffer for a long time like the greedy merchant.”

The Buddha finished his lesson by teaching the Four Noble Truths. After hearing this, the discouraged bhikkhu became an Arahat.

Then the Teacher, relating the two stories, putting them together and connecting them, showed that, “At that time, Devadatta was the greedy merchant, and I myself was the honest merchant.”


词汇表 Glossary 

Eon (aka Aeon): A long period of time. Let us say, there was a huge rock of one solid mass which was one yojana long, one yojana wide and one yojana high, and in every hundred years, a man would rub it with a piece of silk. Then, that huge rock would wear off and disappear quicker than an aeon.

阿罗汉(Arahat):值得尊敬的人(堪受诸人与天人尊敬供养);他的心已没有种种污秽(lobha-贪, dosa-嗔, moha-痴之烦恼);断除了一切欲望的束缚;因而在那一生之后,不会再有下一世的投生(解脱生死不受后有)。
Arahat (aka Arahant): is a worthy one, whose mind is free from all defilements (lobha-greed, dosa-hatred, moha-delusion), who is free from the bonds of desire, thus not destined for any further rebirth, after that very life.

Bhikkhu: a Buddhist monk; who ordains and lives according to the Dhamma (Sutta, Abhidhamma) and Vinaya.
菩萨(Bodhisatta) : 已被过去佛授记的未来佛。
Bodhisatta: is the Buddha-to-be, prophesized by another Buddha.

Devadatta: One of the Buddha’s cousins. He became a bhikkhu along with the other Sakyan princes. He competed with the Buddha, and tried to kill Him several times. He also created a schism in the Sangha. Finally, he was swallowed by the earth and fell into hell. The origin of the implacable enmity which Devadatta felt toward the Bodhisatta is related in Jātaka 3. The Buddha prophesized (predicted) that, in the distant future, Devadatta will become a Pacceka Buddha.

Four Noble Truths: The Noble Truth of suffering, the Noble Truth of the origin of suffering, the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering, and the Noble Truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering.
业(Kamma) : 行为造作。可分为三种业:身业、口业与意业。我们通过动机(思心所),可造作善业或恶业。当因缘成熟时,业力会带来果报。善业将会招来善报及导致投生善道;恶业将会招来恶报及导致投生恶道。
Kamma: Action. There are three kinds of kamma: bodily kamma (kāya-kamma), verbal kamma (vacī-kamma), and mental kamma (mano-kamma). We create kamma through intentions (cetanā), that can be wholesome or unwholesome. When there are suitable conditions, these kamma will cause future results. Wholesome kamma will cause good results (vipāka) and rebirths in good destinations, while unwholesome kamma will cause bad results and rebirths in bad destinations.

辟支佛(Paccekabuddha): 辟支佛在佛陀与其佛法住世时是不会出现的,他们只出现在没有佛陀与佛法住世的时期。佛陀无师自通地觉悟四圣谛及有能力教导他人觉悟。虽然辟支佛也是无师自通地觉悟了四圣谛,但是他没有证得一切知智和十力智等等。因此,辟支佛只能教导他人布施、持戒、禅修等等,却无法教导他人觉悟。
Paccekabuddha: Paccekabuddhas do not appear at the time of appearance of Omniscient Buddha and His dispensation. They only appear when Omniscient Buddha and His dispensation no longer exist. Omniscient Buddha realises the Four Noble Truths by himself and is able to teach others to be enlightened. Although Paccekabuddha also realises the Four Noble Truths by himself, but he does not achieve Omniscience and the Ten Powers (Dasabalañāṇa) etc. Therefore, Paccekabuddha can only teach others to do dāna (almsgiving), keep precepts, meditate and etc., but cannot enlighten others.




佛陀在慈爱经里说:“要正直,非常正直”。菩萨在圆满十波罗蜜以成就佛果的每一期生命里,五戒的其中一戒是他永不犯的,甚至在他生死关头也不犯。是哪一条戒?那就是不妄语戒。由于“非常正直” 的力量,菩萨(或佛陀)以真实语而发的愿,往往都会实现。





Teacher’s Guide


This story has taught us that the end results of encountering greedy and honest people are different.

The Buddha said in the Mettasuttaṁ (Discourse on Loving-kindness): "Be upright, very upright." In each stage of The Buddha's lives, he fulfilled the Ten Perfections (Pāramī) to achieve Buddhahood. There was one precept out of the five that he had never violated, even when his life was being threatened. Which precept was it? This precept was the precept that tells us not to lie. Due to the power of righteousness, the wishes of the Bodhisatta (or Buddha) made out of truthfulness were often fulfilled.

Be honest, upright, very upright, and speak the truth. Keeping one's word is very important. In this way, what you say will be powerful and will gain the trust of others.

On the other hand, in this story, the greedy merchant (Devadatta in his previous life) was blinded by the truth because of his serious greed. He mistakenly thought that the Bodhisatta stole the gold bowl that belonged to him. Because of this, he became dissatisfied with the Bodhisatta (or the Buddha) throughout his countless lives, and had been hurting and confronting the Bodhisatta (or Buddha) continuously. It was until then, when Devadatta was in his near death that he realized the Buddha's loving kindness for him, and that the Buddha treated him just like his (the Buddha's) son, Rahula. At that time, he wished to pay respect to the Buddha, and to ask for forgiveness but it was too late.

Therefore, we must avoid getting angry with others. Being angry will make it difficult for us to see the truth, and this causes us to easily misunderstand others.

Remarks: The Buddha predicted that, in the distant future, Devadatta will become a Paccekabuddha. Thus, the stories of Venerable Devadatta gave us precious lessons. We shall still hold due respect to Venerable.


省思 Reflection

Be honest, upright, very upright, and speak the truth. Keeping one's word is very important. In this way, what you say will be powerful and will gain the trust of others.
